My name's Ben

I am a qualified Counsellor and Psychotherapist for gay men in London.

About Me

I'm often asked "What got you into therapy work?". The short answer to this question is the impact that my own personal therapy experience had on me. It was a game changer. Initially, I was sceptical and unconvinced it would work. Nervously, I took the first step, picked up the phone and made an appointment with a gay male therapist. With that call began my therapy journey, which ultimately transformed my life.

Over 10 years ago I sought psychotherapy to help deal with depression and suicidal thoughts. I was aware that the negative feelings I had about myself, my sexuality and the world around me needed to be explored and unpacked.

Therapy provided me with a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space, allowing me to challenge the ingrained negative beliefs and messages I had internalised about my sexuality from an early age. These negative beliefs and messages fuelled destructive behaviour patterns which had been holding me back and preventing me from living the life I wanted and deserved.

I'm sharing this with you because...

I think it's important to demonstrate that you are not alone in what you are feeling.

Therapy is a gift.

The Way I Work

I'm an "Integrative" therapist which means I draw on techniques from different types of therapy. This enables me to tailor my approach specifically to you and your needs.

This is important because everyone is unique, and one client will require a different way of working to another. There isn't just one therapeutic approach or a "one size fits all" model that can help a client in all situations.

My extensive training enables me to draw on a variety of tools and techniques from the Humanistic, Transactional Analysis and Gestalt psychotherapy theoretical models.


Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip)

Psychotherapy and Counselling (Level 7)

Regents University, London.

Foundation Certificate

Psychotherapy and Counselling

Regents University, London.

Foundation Certificate

Transactional Analysis Theory.

TA 101 Introductory Course

Transactional Analysis.



Member of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy.

NCPS (Accred)

Member of the National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society.