I'm an "Integrative" therapist specialising in working with gay men in King's Cross, London.

The way I work

I'm an "Integrative" therapist which means I draw on techniques from different types of therapy. This enables me to tailor my approach specifically to you and your needs.

This is important because everyone is unique, and one client will require a different way of working to another. There isn't just one therapeutic approach or a "one size fits all" model that can help a client in all situations.

My extensive training enables me to draw on a variety of tools and techniques from the Humanistic, Transactional Analysis and Gestalt psychotherapy theoretical models.

Who I work with

I specialise in working with gay men and there are three reasons for this I'd like to share.

First of all, I'm a gay man and I know first-hand how beneficial therapy can be.

Second, I want to give back to my community that has given me so much.

Finally, there is a real need for a mental health service for gay men. We face higher rates of mental health challenges when compared with the rest of the general adult population.

The research is clear:

  • Depression among gay men is three times higher.
  • 50% of gay men who have experienced depression have contemplated suicide.

The focus of my work

Anxiety and depression in gay men is the biggest mental health issue I work with in my London King's Cross practice.

These two emotions could be present or triggered for a number of reasons. Therapy helps to unpack and make sense of what is underlying these feelings so that you can grow and reach your full potential.

For example, you may be:

  • having relationship difficulties
  • experiencing shame around your sexuality
  • unable to shift a sense of guilt
  • struggling with "coming out"
  • feeling "stuck"
  • suffering with low self-esteem
  • wanting to change unhelpful behaviour patterns
  • struggling with alcohol or chems
What you can expect from therapy







Contact Ben

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